
Started as a group of visionary people around the world with bright ideas, We’ve set our foot in Dubai as our base of the company. We focus mainly on realizing ideas in digital market. We are inspired by innovating technologies in web & mobile market and always strive to grow and find solutions to new emerging problems in digital world.

What we do?

We realize new ideas in web & mobile technologies, whether it's E-education, social network or just a travel website. We give our best to become those ideas reality

Our Mission

Make new ideas reality, to be fully involved in success of our partners and in our curent projects. To keep growing and become a name of success

Our Goal

To achieve maximum satisfaction of customers as well as our partners, we give our best to deliver the desired result

Ralf B

Ralf B

Business advisor & Financial expert

Expert in finances, team building & customer success



Fullstack Developer

Professional Fullstack Dev in variety of programming languages



Business advisor

Expert in finances and company development

Christian Sierra Teran

Christian Sierra Teran

Business development

Key Account Manager

Nick Morgunenko

Nick Morgunenko

CEO Starmint LLC

CEO & founder of Starmint, Tech lead

Oren Shilo

Oren Shilo


True to detail designer, creative manager

Angelica Ramos

Angelica Ramos

Project leader

Project leader

Raphael Follana

Raphael Follana

Marketing specialist

Talented marketing specialist & SEO Expert, Co-founder of Starmint

Moritz Jung

Moritz Jung

Fullstack Dev

Innovative software developer in different projects